Sunday, June 30, 2013

Chris' new TV '13

Chris has sold enough of his stuff to have the money to purchase his own TV!!  We spent a pretty long time in Best Buy debating over features and sizes.  At one point we were even going to sell Chris our plasma and then get a new BIGGER TV for us.  But, in the end, Chris picked the perfect TV.

Now, we have to get the old TV out of the basement.  This thing weighed a couple hundred pounds.  Randy asked that I help.  It was painfully obvious, I would not be able to assist with this task.  So the neighbor came over to help.

Here is Chris with his new TV.  I was 27 years old when I bought my first appliance, and it was a washer and dryer (and I split the cost with Randy).  Chris is 10.

Congrats to Chris!  We are very proud of his ability to save his money!
Randy paid dearly for a couple days with a bad back after getting the old TV out of the basement.  :(

1 comment:

  1. what??! how did I miss this?! Congratulations Chris! My first TV was your mom's little black and white portable that she won for running a race!
